Sustainability / Objectives
Sustainability for the Coeclerici Group

With this Sustainability Report, prepared voluntarily, the Coeclerici Group is anticipating the regulatory demands of the European Union concerning ESG performance reporting outlined in the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

Coeclerici initiated in 2021 the process of integrating sustainability – involving the cross-functional engagement of corporate leadership and all business areas – to measure and communicate to various stakeholders the social, environmental, and economic value generated by the Group’s choices and activities.

Reinforce governance, developing the sharing of a corporate culture oriented to CSR and Sustainability at all responsibility levels
Increase internal awareness and systematize the sustainability practices already in place
Develop a set of multidimensional KPIs for measuring ESG performance, in line with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Reporting Standards and in connection with the SDGs of the UN 2030 Agenda intercepted by Coeclerici’s action
Give a clear and understandable account - even for people not within the industry - of the strategies, policies and environmental, social and economic value produced
Strengthen the relationship with our stakeholders and allow them to make a conscious and informed assessment of the Group’s sustainability and its results.

A good Report requires method!

Rendersi conto per rendere conto® is the method used by Refe – Strategie di sviluppo sostenibile, the company that has been supporting Coeclerici in the definition of the Group’s sustainability measurement, reporting and communication process.

The internal analysis – rendersi conto – explains the Group’s identity, choices and operation, with the due verification of how its choices and actions translate into
results, effects and impacts for its stakeholders.

External communications – rendere conto – reveal and ensure the transparency, verifiability and understandability of Coleclerici’s actions and of the environmental, economic and social value produced by it



The contribution of Coeclerici to sustainable development

Coeclerici’s sustainability topics – identified through a materiality analysis involving both internal and external stakeholders of the Group – have been correlated with the 17 Objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda (SDGs) through a detailed analysis of the 169 sub-targets intercepted by the Group’s priorities.
For each issue and SDG, ESG KPIs have been identified that measure the contribution of Coeclerici to sustainable development. These sustainability themes guide the ESG performance reporting within the document.